Inspections Forms - Edit & Assign
[Standard Navigation / Inspections / Forms]

To Edit - Locate the Inspection you want:
Click on ‘Items’ in that Specific Inspection’s box.
Hover in between Inspection Items and click on the Green + to add Items
Click on the Garbage Can (center icon) on the right side of an Inspection Item to Delete.
Click the Blue ‘Save’ button.
To Assign an Inspection to a Vehicle – Locate Desired Inspection:
Click on ‘Vehicles’ Title in that Specific Inspection’s box.
Click on the Blue ‘Add Vehicles’ box.
Select ‘All Vehicles’, ‘Some Vehicles’ or ‘Specific Vehicles’ and add.
Manual Inspections Assignment
Unscheduled Inspections can be assigned manually.
[Standard Navigation / Inspections / Schedules / + Start Inspection]

To Start an Inspection on a Vehicle which is NOT Assigned to that Inspection:
Click on the Green ‘+ Start Inspection’ button.
Select the Inspection Type from the List
Select a Vehicle anc <click on> ‘Save Inspection’
Inspection History & Details
View Inspection Reports to get specifics on Failures.
[Standard Navigation / Inspections/Inspection History]

Click on the Inspection record to see details.
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